Three Tips to Help Binge Eaters Manage Their Meals Anywhere in the World

by | Jul 7, 2021 | Nutritionist

There are plenty of eating disorders that affect millions of people, but binge eating is a very common problem for many people. If you suffer from this condition, you may not know where to turn for the type of help that will be effective for you. Finding binge eating support groups and resources can be more helpful than you realize. In the meantime, here are a few tips to help you get your binge eating under control.

Stop Dieting
Doing fad diets can make binge eating episodes worse, according to recent research. Scientists found that binge eating was more common after a period of fasting. Research also found that a diet that limits calorie intake compelled dieters to eat more high-calorie foods after going off the diet. The better solution is to make a permanent change to your eating habits.

Stay Hydrated
Another helpful tip that you may not learn in a binge eating support group is to drink much more water than you usually consume in a day. Since binge eaters also tend to drink more coffee, soda, and juice, drinking more water will help you reduce your intake of less healthy beverages. Additionally, the extra water will keep you feeling bloated, which means you’ll snack less and eat less at mealtime.

Eliminate Junk Foods
You’ll be less likely to binge eat if you don’t have the high sugar and high-fat carbs that make binge eating such an attractive option. Throw those foods away or donate them to a food pantry. In the place of junk foods, stock up on fruit, nuts, seeds, and other healthy snacking options.

If you do suffer from binge eating, help is just a click away when you visit Jenn Hand Consulting online at .

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