Proper Dental Care in Elk Grove Village: Foods to Avoid with Dental Implants

by | Feb 20, 2023 | Dental Care

Dental implants can be used to improve your smile and protect a specific tooth. However, you still need to properly care for your dental implants as you would your natural teeth. This way, your dental implants can last for years.

Foods to Avoid with Dental Implants

Healthy eating is one way to maintain your dental implants, so here are several foods to avoid with dental implants in Elk Grove Village, IL. These foods should be avoided right after surgery and within the first 10 days.

Sticky Foods

Avoid sticky foods such as taffy and caramel. These foods can stick to the surgical site and implant, increasing your risk of an injury or infection.

Chewy Foods

You also need to avoid tough, chewy foods after surgery, such as steak, raw vegetables, and jerky. The constant chewing may irritate the surgical site.

Hard Foods

When receiving dental implants in Elk Grove Village, IL, it is important to avoid hard, crunchy foods that can damage your implants. This includes potato chips, nuts, and hard candies.

Acidic Foods

Acidic foods and drinks can irritate the surgical site and delay your recovery time, so be sure to avoid foods and drinks that contain tomatoes and citrus fruits.

Hot And Spicy Foods

You also need to avoid hot and spicy foods that can cause irritation, pain, and discomfort to the surgical site. These items include coffee, tea, peppers, and heavy spices.

What to Eat After Your Procedure

It is important to get the nutrients you need while recovering from dental implant surgery. You want to stock up on items such as oatmeal, milk, yogurt, jello, mashed potatoes, eggs, and thin soups and broths. Fruits should include softer options such as bananas, peaches, and berries.

To learn more about dental implants and your tooth replacement options, contact Schumer Family Dental Care today to reserve an appointment with one of our dental implant specialists.

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