House Cleaning Services in College Station, TX, Discuss Removing Bathroom Odors

by | Apr 5, 2023 | Cleaning Service

Bathrooms are quite vulnerable to developing bad odors due to their use and exposure to water. These smells can build up over time and produce an almost intolerable stink. You must take action to get rid of bathroom smells. What can you do, though?

Here are some suggestions from house cleaning services in College Station, TX.

Run the Ceiling Fan

The air in the bathroom becomes damp when you turn on the shower. This does more than convert the restroom into a makeshift steam room. It also harms the walls and the ceiling, leaving mold spores behind over time. The scent of these mold spores is unpleasant, as you might already know. They emit more odor as they continue to build up. This mold may produce an almost intolerable musty smell over time. Every time you take a shower, be sure to switch on your ceiling fan. This fan will aid in ventilating the moisture in the air, preventing mold growth and reducing overall smells.

Open Windows When Possible

Does the window in your bathroom open? If so, you ought to let in as much light as possible. By doing this, the air in your bathroom will be able to circulate, allowing odorous particles to leave. If you never do this, the musty smell in your bathroom will never disappear. Are you lacking a window in the bathroom? According to house cleaning services in College Station, TX, you want to keep the bathroom door open at the very least throughout the day and then open the windows in the other rooms of your house.

Contact H&R Cleaning for additional details!

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