Why Holocaust Survivor Books are a Vital Part of any Educational Curriculum.

by | Apr 5, 2023 | Education

After the end of World War II, the world was left shocked and dumbfounded as the scope and scale of the what had been transpiring within Nazi Germany began to be revealed to the world as one of humanity’s most brutal and horrific events. Over the course of 5 years, Nazi Germany systematically killed somewhere between six million and nine million Jews in what became known as the Holocaust.

The survivors of this harrowing ordeal were understandably reticent to tell their stories for decades following their liberation, fearing they would once again be marginalized or, worse, disregarded or disbelieved.

Many survivors found a platform to share their experiences when they started writing Holocaust survivor books in the years following their liberation. Although these books were initially written in English or Hebrew, they have since been translated into various languages and are now read in workshops and schools and book clubs by audiences across the world.

These books provide survivor stories that possess an intrinsic value as a personal testament by those who came face to face with their mortality and with true evil. They offer insight into the depths of resilience and perseverance that allow certain people to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

To educate individuals of all ages about the consequences of hatred, prejudice, and racism; to stimulate an informed understanding of the events surrounding the Holocaust and deepen ones understanding of human behavior and the depths of suffering joy and hope available to the human soul, Holocaust survivor books must maintain a place in the liturgical cannon of any modern society.

Holocaust survivor books are critical to the collective memory of the planet and should never be forgotten—Contact ZACHOR Holocaust Remembrance Foundation for a reading list today!

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