Akashic Reading: What is it?

by | May 24, 2024 | Religion

An individual’s Akashic Record is essentially a form of a living database that contains details about their current life, lives previously lived, and alternative timelines created by choices yet to be made. An Akashic reading in Charlotte NC is said to help people enhance their self-awareness in addition to gaining a better understanding of their present reality as well as perhaps realigning their future.

What happens in an Akashic reading in Charlotte NC?

There are three sections in an Askashic reading in Charlotte NC. The first session looks at the physicality of the subject. The session examines issues that are being worked through at present and how this is being done in the client’s life.

The second session involves reading from the soul book of the individual. The reading of the soul book is based on questions submitted by the individual as well as information discovered from their energy. Common questions include the purposes of life, lessons that can be learned from relationships, reasons for past traumas and other experiences and events, and how desired goals such as an ideal career or partner can be achieved by working with the soul.

The third session has to be interactive, making it common to ask impromptu questions during the reading or to find new life aspects to investigate that could bring greater harmony and well-being into one’s life.

Those who attend Akashic readings can receive clarity and answers that help them to make decisions in their lives in alignment with their Soul Plan.

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