Custom Swimming Pool Service In Tampa

by | Mar 28, 2019 | Swimming Pools

Installing a swimming pool takes careful planning and patience. To ensure that the installation is impeccable, you should carefully research all of the swimming pool contractors in your area. With years of experience in pool installation, the right contractor can easily bring your dream to life.

There are many steps involved with creating and installing a swimming pool. First, you must find a top-notch Custom Swimming Pool Construction company capable of constructing your design. By working with their designer you will determine how the pool will fit into your property while staying within your budget. Once the design and pricing have been agreed upon your contractor will need to obtain all of the required city and county permits to build. Without these you may be in violation with local ordinances which could bring everything to a halt.

At this point excavation can begin. The Pool Service Tampa contractor will bring in a backhoe and cut the shape and curvature of the pool into the ground. There will be a large amount of excess dirt so be sure to discuss removal with your contractor beforehand. Next, the plumbing and electrical lines will be set up along the edges of the hole. All of these lines are run using the latest state-of-the-art materials which are up to code to avoid possible water leakage or electrical shock. A mesh framework of the floor and walls is then created from reinforcement bar. This frame is spaced away from the dirt, allowing it to be suspended between the concrete to create a strong pool skeleton. The contractor will now use a pneumatic method to spray concrete around the rebar frame and create the pool shell. This process takes several days to cure to reduce the risk of shrinkage cracks. At this point any planned tile, deck, or patio work is constructed. Adding tile around the top edges of the pool helps create a clear water line for visual association between dry and wet areas. It is also easy to clean for high traffic areas. The final step in creating your dream pool is the application of plaster. This material is pneumatically sprayed on and hand troweled to create a non-slip waterproof surface.

Your dream pool awaits. Contact a qualified swimming pool contractor and make your fantasy become a reality!

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