Essential Medical Checkups for Newborn Child Care in Logan, UT

by | May 29, 2024 | Child Care

The first year is an essential time in your newborn’s health and development. While it may seem quick, newborns need frequent checkups to track growth, administer immunizations, and screen for potential issues. Pediatricians recommend bringing your baby in for the following essential medical exams in their first 12 months as part of the necessary newborn child care in Logan, UT.

Recommended Newborn Exam Schedule

Within three to five days of birth, newborn child care in Logan, UT, consists of scheduling your baby’s first pediatrician visit for general health check screenings and addressing any concerns like jaundice. At one month, two months, four months, six months, and nine months, continue well-baby checkups that include tracking height, weight, head circumference, and developmental milestones. Your pediatrician will ask about sleep, nutrition, behavior, and parental worries.

Vaccines and Screenings

Newborn care in Logan, UT, includes vaccinations starting at the two-month visit, protecting your newborn from dangerous but preventable diseases like hepatitis B and whooping cough. Vision, hearing, and blood screenings also help detect problems early, when they are most treatable. At 12 months, your child will receive the last set of shots in their first year, along with hemoglobin and lead testing.

Seek Guidance for Any Concerns

Outside of checkups, keep your pediatrician informed about abnormal symptoms between visits. Monitor for fever, excessive crying, breathing issues, dramatic appetite changes, and other changes that may indicate illness or other concerns requiring medical evaluation. Don’t hesitate to call your pediatrician with questions or worries about your newborn’s care.

The caring pediatricians at Alder Grove Pediatrics provide personalized medical care to newborns, infants, children, and teens in the Logan, UT region. Book your newborn’s recommended well-child visits with them today.

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