Expert Tips On How To Use Soil Inoculant In The U.S. For Maximum Yield

by | Dec 5, 2022 | Biotechnology Company

If you have been considering using inoculant in your soil, but are not exactly sure how to use it, here are some expert tips on when and how to inoculate your plants. You will be on your way to a bountiful harvest.

The Purchase

Purchasing an inoculant is incredibly simple. It is sold at any garden center in the country or at any number of online stores. Remember that any commercial inoculant you buy, such as mycorrhizal fungi powder, is made with bacteria that multiply when added to seeds and soil. In other words, a little goes a long way.

Seed Prepping

To get the seeds ready for planting, soak them in water that does not contain chlorine. If tap water is your only option, let it sit out for at least 24 hours to allow the chlorine to evaporate. Plant the seeds in the normal fashion, but add inoculant to each seed hole. It is impossible to over-inoculate so be generous with when and how to inoculate your plants.

Go Organic

Remember that the bacteria in inoculants such as mycorrhizal fungi powder have a preference for organic soil. When there are chemicals in the soil, they can act in a prohibitive fashion in regard to bacterium growth. They also prefer a pH that is neutral. Wood ash can raise the pH level if that is necessary.

If you are interested in purchasing an inoculant for your soil and seeds, please contact DYNOMYCO on their website. You’ll be glad you did.

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