The Benefits of a PET Scan in Glendale, CA

by | Nov 2, 2018 | Health

There are many benefits one may reap from having certain scans and tests done for the body. One of these, the PET scan, can detect diseases your doctor may be concerned with. By using a special dye containing radioactive tracers, this scan gives your physician an opportunity to see the inner workings of your body. These tracers can be injected into the arm, swallowed or inhaled. The tracers then gather in certain parts of the body where issues may occur. Discover a few of the benefits of having a PET scan in Glendale, CA, and a few of the things they can detect.


One of the most common reasons for having a PET scan in Glendale, CA, is early detection of cancer. For patients who have had a history of cancer in their family, are in remission or have had other symptoms that make a scan necessary, this is a great way of detecting things early, which gives doctors an opportunity to provide you with the best treatments possible.

Heart Problems

Heart issues are a common problem many adults experiences. Getting a PET scan in Glendale, CA, can give your heart doctor the chance to see the inner workings of your heart and decide exactly what issues you may be suffering from. These images allow them to choose your treatment more efficiently and ensure they are on the right path to making you feel your best.

Brain Disorders

A PET scan in Glendale, CA, can also give physicians an inner look at the workings of their patient’s brain. This gives them a chance to catch brain disorders that could quickly cause problems for their patients. These scans are also great for discovering issues with the central nervous system, which in turn, can give people the chance to alleviate unneeded pains. Visit Glendale MRI Institute for more information.

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