Three Ways Your Next Semester Will Be Less Stressful in Off-Campus Housing

by | Nov 22, 2023 | Student Housing Center

Switching from the campus dorms to living in private RIT student housing can be an exciting transition. It gives you the opportunity to explore yourself in a more independent living environment. Additionally, you’ll find that it’s easier to live with less stress and anxiety, helping you perform better in class.

Get Away From the Campus

When it comes to dealing with stress, the best approach is to reduce your exposure to stressors on a daily basis. Your ability to leave the campus and relax in an off-campus apartment can do wonders to alleviate stress and anxiety. Since you won’t be surrounded by the school environment, you’ll be able to forget about your educational responsibilities for a few hours each day.

Get Some Exercise Each Day

Exercise and physical activity are essential in maintaining good emotional health since these activities promote the release of mood-enhancing hormones. When you live in an off-campus apartment community, you’ll have free access to the swimming pool and fitness center. This makes it easier to frequently engage in moderate to high-intensity exercise.

Explore Your Community

Since RIT student housing is close to the campus, you’ll be able to walk to class whenever you choose. You’ll also find it easier to walk around the city when you have a little free time. Simply being outside is enough to give your mood a boost and reduce the level of stress hormones in your body.

See why The Lodge should be your home next semester when you visit their website at

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