Top Reasons You Really Want a Student Apartment vs a Dorm Room

by | Nov 7, 2023 | Student Housing Center

As a college student going off to university for the first time, one of the decisions that you’ll have to make is where you will be living. While many students automatically assume that a dormitory is the best way to go, the smart money is actually on apartments for students at the University of Virginia. There are many reasons why this is so.

Better Amenities

If you move into a dorm room, the best that you get is some well-worn furniture and no appliances. You might get a mini-fridge if you’re lucky. However, when you make the wise choice to move into a student apartment, you will have clean furniture and appliances that are both modern and full-sized. This makes for a much better standard of living than you will have on a college campus.

Learn Responsibility

One of the things that college is supposed to show you is how to become an adult. This is very difficult to do when everything is done for you while on campus. When you live in your own apartment, you are responsible for not only buying your own groceries and cooking your own meals but also doing your laundry and making sure that bills are paid on time. This will set you up for a much better start in life.

More Freedom

When living in a dormitory, you must remain compliant with all the rules that the college has in place. Having your own apartment grants you the power to set your own standards. There are no set curfews or visitor restrictions in apartments for students at the University of Virginia.

To explore properties near University of Virginia, please contact Alight Blacksburg at

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